We offer high-quality composite bonding often referred to as cosmetic bonding, dental bonding, composite veneers, using the very latest industry techniques for stunningly beautiful results.
Composite Bonding, also sometimes known as Composite Veneers, is a transformative cosmetic dental procedure that uses a tooth-coloured composite resin to improve the aesthetics of your teeth. This resin is carefully applied to reshape, recolour, and restore your teeth, ensuring a flawless and vibrant appearance. This treatment is ideal for many dental issues, such as chips, cracks or gaps, tooth wear, and has minimal impact on natural teeth.
Composite bonding can last a long time but we would expect usually between 4 to 7 years before some remedial treatment is needed. This depends on factors like oral hygiene, the location of the bonding on the teeth, and habits like clenching, chewing ice or biting fingernails.
Composite bonding is not suitable for individuals with severe tooth decay, active gum disease, or those who have not addressed underlying oral health issues. It’s also less suitable for those who have extensive damage to their teeth.
The main downsides include susceptibility to staining compared to other materials like porcelain, less durability over time, and the possibility of chipping or breaking if not cared for properly.