Treatment Under Sedation

Dental anxiety is very common. Whatever your fears or concerns, we understand and are here to help! We will do everything possible to make you feel calmer and more relaxed during your treatment. We will go at your pace, ensuring you are able to attend regular appointments and treatments with minimal anxiety.

What is sedation?

Conscious sedation is a type of medication that can be given to you to help you feel more relaxed. At Greyfriars Dental Practice, we offer  intravenous (IV) sedation.

What happens during IV sedation?

During IV sedation you become drowsy and unaware of any treatment, but you are still able to co-operate with the dentist. A lot of patients don’t remember the procedure, it works very effectively in helping you get through treatment and easing your anxiety.

Who can have IV sedation?

Most people who have a fear of dentists or need to have a lengthy procedure done can receive sedation dentistry. We will go over your medical history and current medications to determine if sedation is right for you.

During your initial consultation, you will meet the dentist who will be performing the sedation. They will carry out the following checks:

• Medical history
• Social history
• Blood pressure
• Oxygen saturation
• Height and weight
• Dental anxiety questionnaire
• Assessment of the treatment required

How long does sedation last?

The effects of IV sedation take some time to wear off and it can take 24 hours to clear from your body during which you may feel unsteady on your feet or have cloudy judgement. 

For this reason we would not start treatment unless you have an able bodied escort to look after you – and you only – to accompany you on this appointment and for 24 hours. For that 24 hours you have the excuse to do nothing- no cooking, cleaning, signing any legally binding documents, operating any work machinery, drinking any alcohol or driving. We also recommended refraining from online shopping and social media use.

Can you eat and drink before dental sedation?

You should have a light meal 2 hours before your appointment and make sure you are well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You must avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your treatment. 

What are the aftercare instructions for IV sedation?
  • You’ll need to go straight home, by taxi or car, with an accompanying able bodied adult
  • For 24 hours post-treatment, you’ll need to be with an adult who’ll look after you
  • We recommend not driving for 24 hours post-treatment
  • You shouldn’t make important decisions, e.g. signing legal documents
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol for 24 hours
  • Don’t go back to work for 24 hours
  • Don’t exercise for 24 hours
  • Continue taking any medication as normal
  • You can eat and drink as normal
  • You cannot be responsible for caring for anyone such as children or the elderly for 24 hours, so you’ll need to make alternative plans
  • If you’re breastfeeding, you must not breastfeed for 24 hours

WHAT TO EXPECTMaking your visit
easy & comfortable

Consultation & Assessment
If you're curious about dental sedation, we encourage you to get in touch to learn more about private sedation dentistry. We'll ask you questions about your health and make sure you are a suitable candidate. We will ask you to nominate your escort.
Book your treatment
We require a £50 deposit to book your dental sedation appointment. You will then pay £250 plus the price of your treatment.
Preparing For Treatment
Your treatment will typically last 1-2 hours. An IV cannula will be placed and your vitals are monitored throughout the appointment. We'll wait until you are sufficiently sedated before the treatment begins. You should feel relaxed and at-ease throughout.
Post Sedation
You will be required to recover under the supervision of the sedation dentist or nurse. Your escort can then collect you and take you home.

Enquire Now

    Call Us

    01743 352702‬

    Working Hours

    Monday – Friday: 9 AM to 5 PM
    Saturday -Sunday: Closed


    Greyfriars Dental Practice
    129A Longden Coleham
    SY3 7DN